
Wednesday 8 September 2021


Did you know that Tonga has a king, and it is owned by United Kingdom, Tonga is a Polynesian kingdom of more than 170 South Pacific islands, many uninhabited, most lined in white beaches and coral reefs and covered with tropical rainforest. The main island, Tongatapu, is protected by lagoons and limestone cliffs. It’s home to the rural capital of Nuku'alofa, as well as beach resorts, plantations and the Ha'amonga ʻa Maui, a monumental coral gate from the 1200s. Tonga is an archipelago of 169 islands of which only 36 are inhabited. This island nation is scattered over a vast area of ocean about 700,000 square kilometers. 2. Tonga is the only Pacific country which was never colonised.


Hi, this is me work where I see a face, and I have to write something mating it.

Friday 4 June 2021

FIA FIA 2021


Yesterday on the 3rd of June, FIAFIA came back to life and joined us with Te Kapua (The Cloud). At first we thought that the construction sight wouldn't be completed, Te Kapua (The Cloud),  Fortunately they completed it!  Choo hoo hoo!
So that's where  FIAFIA took place on the 3rd of June.  It was so loud that I couldn't even hear the person next to me (Exodus and Jordan).

This will be my final year in Fiafia as next year will be a school production.  Thanks Point England School for making FIAFIA possible and for even making it happen!!

Friday 28 May 2021

Jenny Salesa

Today Jenny Salesa came to our school, she was taking about the local parliament and she said that her Boss came to our school. She is Tongan and her husband is Samoan and was rise up in Auckland.  

Friday 26 March 2021


 Treasure hunt today!! yayyyyyyy goes the crowd, as captain cook says, first to bring my hidden treasure will get to keep it, BUT! Watch out for the traps, you'll never know what will happen, but then I whisper to myself, I’ve been researching you for decades so don’t worry.

The first thing that came to my mind was go to Paradise Island, so the next day I woke up early, hired a  boat plane, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth and got some snacks for the trip to the hidden treasure.

As I arrived on the boat plane I took a nap for the day ahead of me, when I arrived I jump off the boat plane onto land and then kissed the floor of earth, so I took a few steps into Paradise Island, then I remembered about traps and tried to be careful.

It wasn't long until I found the treasure and so I ran up to it, and when I tried to lay a hand on it, someone stuck their hands out of a tree and tried to stop me, and when I looked to the side it was CAPTAIN COOK!

Then I took the treasure off the cut tree and then I put Captain Cook on the cut tree and then I started running before he got off the cut tree and the whole Island would go rumbling.


Wednesday 24 March 2021


 Setting: Waterpark

Character: Noad, Dora, Bruce Lee 

Pormble: Bruce Lee stole Dora backpack

Solution: Dora & Noah save backpack

Do you like the waterpark? Said Noah (Dora did not answer back), Hay Noah said Doiura do you know where my backpack went? Noah replied no sorry, but as soon as Dora turned to her back she saw a HUGE SLAP! Then Dora went to investigate to see what was all of that.

Then Dora's face turned red  as she could see someone hanging on to her backpack, as Dora got coleser she noticed Bruce Lee was hanging on her backpack, Then she burst into tears and said DON'T YOU DARE LAY A HAND ON MY BACKPACK.

Noah shouted it's ok we'll find a way to get it, then Noah and Dora went down to the bottom where Bruce Lee was coming out from, Naoh and Dora got prepped as Bruce Lee was coming down the slide, then Bruce Lee came out and kicked Dora in the face and then hooked Noah in the face. 

                                                      THE END 

Monday 22 March 2021


 Today me and Jordan were working on some maths problem.

The stragey that we use were algorithm, rounding, and place values. 

Thursday 18 February 2021


Sentence Openers

Add a phrase that starts with an  -ed or –ly word to the start of a simple sentence

Surprised by the bang, Sam halted.


Cautiously, she removed the bandage.


As quickly as possible, we got into our seats.

Remember straight after the starter phrase you need to add who is doing it

Try and finish this one

Carefully __keep your distands__ ….

2. Add a phrase that starts with an   –ing or –ed word to add detail to the    



Slithering down the trunk of the tree, I ripped my best pants.


Depressed by the amount of homework, Robbie collapsed into tears.


Climbing slowly, we approached the top of the hill.

Remember straight after the starter phrase you need to add 

who is doing the action

Try and finish this one

Frightened by the ____a Snake___  _we run home___  ….


2. Add a phrase that starts with an   –ing or –ed word to add detail to the    



Slithering down the trunk of the tree, I ripped my best pants.


Depressed by the amount of homework, Robbie collapsed into tears.


Climbing slowly, we approached the top of the hill.

Remember straight after the starter phrase you need to add 

who is doing the action

Try and finish this one

Frightened by the ____a Snake___  _we run home___  ….


2. Add a phrase that starts with an   –ing or –ed word to add detail to the    



Slithering down the trunk of the tree, I ripped my best pants.


Depressed by the amount of homework, Robbie collapsed into tears.


Climbing slowly, we approached the top of the hill.

Remember straight after the starter phrase you need to add 

who is doing the action

Try and finish this one

Frightened by the ____a Snake___  _we run home___  ….


3. Add a phrase that starts with the word “to” which as detail about    

      cause and effect


To win the approval of her mother, Sarah studied for her test instead of going to the movie.


         To avoid burning another bag of popcorn, Brandon watched the timer closely.


         To win at chess requires much concentration. 

(Note: Most sentences still have who after the phrase. But for some sentences like this last one there is no person)

See if you can finish off these starters

Carefully  Max's said watch out for danger 

Angered by ….  Getting and slap Najari ran away…..

Encouraged by her friend  to be more confident Sarah took him to class….

Energetically I ran fast like a car….

Embarrassed by a pimple ben touched it and it popped…..

Running fast helps your body to move faster I said…..

To get to the game, you need to plan first I said…..

To avoid falling asleep in class  you need to sit nexts to the teacher….. 

Annoyed by girls I moved schools ….